For some reason, I've been thinking about children names lately. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea.
So far...
Ada - I think I've got a great aunt named Ada, but I'd just be using it because I really like the name.
Eva - No...I wouldn't be naming my child after the little white girl robot on Wall-E. I promise.
Ethne - It's fun to say. Try it. "Ethne...Ethne...Ethne."
Pearl - of my ancestors. And after Molly. And Bro. Reggie. And Shafer...before we knew he was a boy. Pair it with any of these other girl names. It's preetty.
Eveline - This would be pronounced Eve-lynn. Yes, I realize no one would pronounce it that way, but whatever.
Jude - Because I like Jude Law's face...because he looks like Papa, and because the name sounds manly.
Charlie - It's so charming. Especially if it's paired with something rugged like...Wolfe.
Canaan - I'd pair this one with a more modern can't think of one I like.
Moses - I probably wouldn't use this one, because he'd probably get a lot of bull about it from...people.
Amos - I don't know...I just really like it.
Asa - If I use this, it will be after my great-grandpa. It's just a great name, any way you look at it.
Abner - We used to have a stuffed animal named Abner. I loved that dog. But that's not why I'd name my kid this.
Lee - This is a good second name. It goes well pretty much everything...and it's fun to write.
Brahm - This kid would have to be a beast. A dorky, skinny dude just couldn't pull this off the same way.
Cooper - Because I love love love Gary Cooper.
I like Ada too, but I think I like Ava better.
And you CANNOT name your child anything close to Evelyn. Even if you spelled it differently. End of story. Okay?
Abner? E, are you serious? Like the restaurant?
Brahm. I like it. But he would have to be a little more than a beast. A double beast, maybe.
I'm glad you wouldn't use Moses.
Amos- no. Just, please no.
Asa. Oh, yes. I love this name very much.
And now you know my opinions. You were sitting on the edge of your seat for it, admit it. :)
Well, you know, Katie, Evelyn is basically the only name that Molly and Daniel both like, so they'll probably end up using it. And seein as how she'll probably be expecting before either of us...
'Course, we have a Laura, and y'all have a Laura...I guess there isn't any reason that you couldn't have an Evelyn and we have an Evelyn.
Abner. Yes. I know. I hate the restaurant. But...I like the name. I probably wouldn't call him by that name, it'd just be...there...on the birth certificate.
Why not Amos?!?!...I like it... :(
I was, actually. I write this blog basically just for you, you know that, right? :)
hey, it's ok. i've had my future punk's names picked out forever.
don't listen to katie, I LOVE Amos. seriously. go for it. however, i am so with her on the fact that Brahm would have to be a beast. If not, Cooper would totally kick his butt...
by the way that was ME. not morgan.
oh, and i *love* Ada. but please don't switch to Ava, because i reeeally reeeeaaalllyy want to use it.
oh oh! and Charlie and Canaan are GREAT names.
oh! and (sorry, i know this is my fourth comment)
but you know there are rules for the name ethne. just keep that in mind. ;)
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