today i interviewed a sweetly mcgee girl.
most of you know her.
she is beatrice.
and she has a very cool blog.
and some seriously rad mental chickens.
and she gets out of bed on the left side.

me -- what is your idea of perfect happiness?
beatrice -- in my head i picture it sometimes, and it's beautiful... married, with happy children running around our woodland cottage catching fireflies in the twilight like sprites in pom-pom hats, as mysterious-future-husband and i sit on the porch and shell peas.
me -- what is your favorite food to snack on while you study?
beatrice -- if i'm feeling healthy, frozen corn or an apple... unfortunately, though, i normally go with Twizzlers or chips (BBQ... i know, i know, they're guy chips. sorry. :) )
me -- what is your most treasured possession?
beatrice -- the beautiful antique wedding ring from the 40s that my Grandma Bruce left me.
me -- what is your greatest fear?
beatrice -- hmm... snakes. oh, and leprechauns (due to a horrific viewing of Darby O'Gill and the Little People. SCARY MOVIE!). oooh, and being deserted. so, i guess my biggest fear is being deserted by all my loved ones after i failed to ward off a herd of angry snake-throwing leprechauns.
me -- what is your current favorite song?
beatrice -- I Don't Know, by Lisa Hannigan. she's so authentic, and her music is amazing!
me -- which talent would you most like to have?
beatrice -- either Jazz piano, unicycle riding, or tap dancing skills. because those would be awesome!
me -- name one of your style muses and what it is about her that inspires you.
beatrice -- any way you could reword that? 'cause i don't like everything about any one person's style... but i could give you three people who each have a specific reason.
me -- go for it.
beatrice -- one: Chuck from Pushing Daisies, for her adorable retro put-togetherness. two: Maggie Gyllenhaal, for her amazing style weirdness and subtle fearlessness. three: Zooey Deschanel, because... just because. she is amazing.
me -- what do you value most in your friends?
beatrice -- their unbounded and unbridled compassion, love, and devotion... and the ease with which they show it.
me -- if you could go anywhere in the world and live there for a year, completely immersing yourself in the people and the culture, where would you choose to go?
beatrice -- i'd go to the Czech Republic. Odd as it may sound, that culture and language has always held an inexorable fascination and enchantment for me, and i would love to get to know it better. it's such an odd mix of Polish, German, and Portuguese influence.
me -- what motivates you? it can be a verse, a saying or quote, or even just a thought or idea.
beatrice -- i am motivated by this incredible life God has given me... by the speed of it, by my own need to find all of it and understand God by experience His gift and His creation. life flies by so fast, and i've just figured out that the speed isn't meant to be scary, but to be exhilarating, exciting, like a carnival ride. i want to use every day and every second for adventure and the sparkle of life.
so there you have it.
one small glimpse into her mind, and i'm sure you're hooked already.
there ain't no way you ain't checkin' out her blog.
most of you know her.
she is beatrice.
and she has a very cool blog.
and some seriously rad mental chickens.
and she gets out of bed on the left side.

me -- what is your idea of perfect happiness?
beatrice -- in my head i picture it sometimes, and it's beautiful... married, with happy children running around our woodland cottage catching fireflies in the twilight like sprites in pom-pom hats, as mysterious-future-husband and i sit on the porch and shell peas.
me -- what is your favorite food to snack on while you study?
beatrice -- if i'm feeling healthy, frozen corn or an apple... unfortunately, though, i normally go with Twizzlers or chips (BBQ... i know, i know, they're guy chips. sorry. :) )
me -- what is your most treasured possession?
beatrice -- the beautiful antique wedding ring from the 40s that my Grandma Bruce left me.
me -- what is your greatest fear?
beatrice -- hmm... snakes. oh, and leprechauns (due to a horrific viewing of Darby O'Gill and the Little People. SCARY MOVIE!). oooh, and being deserted. so, i guess my biggest fear is being deserted by all my loved ones after i failed to ward off a herd of angry snake-throwing leprechauns.
me -- what is your current favorite song?
beatrice -- I Don't Know, by Lisa Hannigan. she's so authentic, and her music is amazing!
me -- which talent would you most like to have?
beatrice -- either Jazz piano, unicycle riding, or tap dancing skills. because those would be awesome!
me -- name one of your style muses and what it is about her that inspires you.
beatrice -- any way you could reword that? 'cause i don't like everything about any one person's style... but i could give you three people who each have a specific reason.
me -- go for it.
beatrice -- one: Chuck from Pushing Daisies, for her adorable retro put-togetherness. two: Maggie Gyllenhaal, for her amazing style weirdness and subtle fearlessness. three: Zooey Deschanel, because... just because. she is amazing.
me -- what do you value most in your friends?
beatrice -- their unbounded and unbridled compassion, love, and devotion... and the ease with which they show it.
me -- if you could go anywhere in the world and live there for a year, completely immersing yourself in the people and the culture, where would you choose to go?
beatrice -- i'd go to the Czech Republic. Odd as it may sound, that culture and language has always held an inexorable fascination and enchantment for me, and i would love to get to know it better. it's such an odd mix of Polish, German, and Portuguese influence.
me -- what motivates you? it can be a verse, a saying or quote, or even just a thought or idea.
beatrice -- i am motivated by this incredible life God has given me... by the speed of it, by my own need to find all of it and understand God by experience His gift and His creation. life flies by so fast, and i've just figured out that the speed isn't meant to be scary, but to be exhilarating, exciting, like a carnival ride. i want to use every day and every second for adventure and the sparkle of life.
so there you have it.
one small glimpse into her mind, and i'm sure you're hooked already.
there ain't no way you ain't checkin' out her blog.
(I'll play the large readership game with you!)
I just love Claire's blog-- it' so unique, with a fantastic blend of the silly and the sincere. Thanks so much for this 'glimpse'-- very interesting!
You want wide readers?
I really really enjoyed this =]
wow. way to discriminate against your thin readers.
I do love Claire so much. Aren't we blessed to have such a fun, crazy, gorgeous, loving friend?
No, I'm not flattering. I'm simply stating facts.
Love you, girl!
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