{name that quote}
I've been tagged.
I'm supposed to post 3 songs that are me. A little part of me...deep down inside (let's make this profound, ok?).
It's ridiculous how hard this was. I'm not even satisfied with this list. And so, I'm going to live life on the edge and post 4 songs.
Ha! Take that you...you...rule makers, you.
Because I love this movie, and because I want to snuggle with this song. I and this song are one.
Forgive the cheesy song...and the cheesy pictures. It was the only good version I could find on Youtube.
Aaand, I have no idea what is up with her freaky hand motions, but the song itself is beautiful.
(ok, make it 5.)
I want to bathe in this piece.
...And please pretend like that isn't an awkward thing to say.
I tag---
#3 makes me smile. And #5 is incredibly beautiful.
How can I ever think of these!!! Now I'll be thinking music all night. I guess that's not a bad thing.
well shoot...
it may take a while... and i may never get it done..
thanks for tagging :)
see you tomorrow!!
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