Monday, February 1, 2010


 This is Papa.
He won the Beautiful Baby contest when he was a blonde-headed tot.

This is him a little later. 
Ok, a lot later.
Can you guess which one is Papa? 
The younger cute one with the gap in his teeth. 
Dead give-away right there. 
This is a picture of my Uncle Mark and Papa.

This is him when he was a student at U of M.
Doesn't he look excited? Full of vim and vigor?

You have to be envious of a mustache that is that cool.

This is him now.
He's my sweetheart.


Lynn Bruce said...

That's some good DNA ya got there, girlie.

Bizarre how much young Mark looks like young pictures of my dad. Eeky skweeky.

(Okay, I commented, see? So back away from my OJ, woman.)

Margaretta said...

That last'un is a most handsomey handsome picture of Uncle Robert-- Deeeelightful.

Cordelia said...

I read this post and I like my orange juice. So I'm commenting. And he is one beautiful baby! I'm quite envious of that stash.

Katie said...

Well, you'd be outta luck, sweetheart, because I not only have guard llamas, I have guard llamas on steroids. They DON'T SLEEP.

Take THAT, orange juice stealer.

And your Papa is super-duper handsome. But you already know that. :)

rachel tsunami said...


thanks for sharing him with me.

Whitney said...

yep. you got me.

I REALLY want the mustache...