Wednesday, January 26, 2011

this might just be the best thing...of the world

i've never ever really wanted to do ballet. even as a little girl, it wasn't my thing.
but i would've LOVED to do some other sort of dance.
modern, maybe?
i would've liked to have been a dancer in the crowd.

the gallery is called Dancers Among Us

yes. i would do this. if it were physically possible.

she looks so happy!

such ease...

snow dancing!

if you're gonna feed the birds, do it right.

even graceful dancers have to go to the bathroom sometimes.

too cool. i like his boots.

"yep, just waitin' fer the bus."

at least she can enjoy doing laundry.

he's got places to go and people to dance

yes. if you can do that, please pay the cab driver that way.
it will make his day, i promise.

just a little leg lovin'. 

gene kelly?


Margaretta said...

You should definitely take modern sometime. I'm in love with it so far. It's very athletic and demanding and full of movement, and it feels completely different from ballet--lower and looser and swingy-er. Pretty much the most fun thing ever.

Harris said...

There's so much opportunity for awkward comments on this post. But we'll just leave it at two.

The little boy in the first picture... well... maybe he just should have turned around.

And on the last picture, at first glance I thought the person's pants had fallen down while trying to pick up her keys. If you blur your eyes just a tad and fool yourself that the person is bending over FORWARD...