Tuesday, June 28, 2011

this lady looks distressed, doesn't she?
but guess what. 
she has it easy.
see the sun shining through the trees behind her?
see her long-sleeved cozy sweater? {...even though the sun is shining through the summer-leafed tree...}
see her perfect hair and manicured nai...oh wait. that's not relevant.

one wednesday morning...well, no...actually, it was a tuesday night...i unwittingly locked my keys in my car because i didn't immediately get out after i turned off the car. i was on the phone, so i took out the keys, put them on the seat beside me, and sat in the car for about 10 minutes. when i was done, i picked up my purse and coat, stepped out of the car, locked the door, shut it, and went inside.
but i didn't realize my mistake until wednesday morning...5 minutes before Joey needed to leave for work in my car.
under normal circumstances, i would've gotten a wire hanger, finagled it into the car thru the crack, and hit the unlock button.
during the night, it had iced. and it was still under 20 degrees outside {chill factor of 5 degrees, by the way}, which meant that the door was frozen shut. 
no way was i going to stand outside {in the freezing cold} and try to push thru the thick layer of ice barring my way to the unlock button.
so we called the locksmith thinking that it would cost around $40. he finally came 30 minutes later. and, standing in the freezing {freezing freezing} cold in my pajamas, he said that it would cost...wait for it...$100.
you heard me.
one hundred. bucks.

no way. hosea.

and i told him so. to his face. {in the freezing cold.}

not in those words, of course.

but he took pity on me and offered to call his boss and see if he'd let him knock it down a bit. which his boss did. 30 dollars worth.
i had no choice. i had to accept. {in the freezing cold}


a few days later, Joey asked if he could borrow my car to take to work. so i went to find the keys. i looked in my purse. in my room. in my pockets. on the bar. on the couch. in the couch cushions. 
no luck.
here's how my thought process went.

"oh no...i didn't immediately (please, God) get out of my car this afternoon (please, God, don't let them be locked in). this is horrible. OhGodohGodohGodohGodohGod."
{please don't misunderstand and think that i was taking His name in vain. no. it was a genuine plea to Him.}

i ran out to my car and peered through the glass. 
there they were. 
on the seat. 
just like before.

 my inner Luke Skywalker yelled, "Nooooooooooooo!!!!!" 
{yes, i did just reference Star Wars and reveal my nerdity.}

 i walked back into the house, head hung low, and told Joey.
Joey, being the sweet man that he is, didn't tease me, didn't heave a sigh.
he just said he would look at it and see if he could get it out. 
we went out to the car.
Joey tried the door handle.

and it opened.

and Joey, being the annoying man that he is, teased me unmercifully. {i love you, Joey.}

would i rather lock my keys in the car than have my car stolen because i was dumb enough to leave the keys in it with the door unlocked?
but God was merciful to me.
He let me be dumb.
{oh wait...He doesn't have to let me. i can do that all by myself.}

the moral to this story ----
always, always check to make sure the car isn't unlocked.


Amy said...

I'm sorry. I've lost track of where in the world you are that your car lock iced over in late June?

elliebird said...

well...actually, this was a draft that i started back in february and i decided to go ahead and post it. even though it's 100 degrees outside and there are eggs frying on the sidewalk.

Becca said...

oh, how you make me laugh. I'm glad I found your blog again. :)

Pearl said...

I love this story, and your blog is my favorite. And you are my favorite, too.