Friday, November 11, 2011

Yeah, *that* was the part they really should've done some research on

We're watching Captain America this evening, and he's jumping across rivers, killing abajillion guys by himself, overtaking submarines, and all that good junk. We come to a scene where he and his men zipline onto the top of a train going full speed. They're running across the top, and Mama says, "Oh my word, they couldn't really do that. That's so not realistic!"


Rebekah Sacran said...

That sounds like something I would have said.

Pearl said...

That's my Moomoo.

Incidentally......... no... surely not... and yet, it could be... I... I just have to ask...... You do know that it's "a bajillion," right? Two words? Just checking. Because one never knows. I, for instance, always thought the term was "a stigmatism." As in, "she has a stigmatism." So I just had to ask.