You know that place between waking and sleeping that is so bizarre and wonderful?
I love that place. I wish I could stay there. There is just enough reality to make me realize the hilarity of my mind, and just enough fantasy to make it better than life.
I have this friend. And he's the kind of friend that is totally ok with me calling and whining to him. I try not to very often; in fact, yesterday was the first time I think I've ever done it, but he was cool with it and tried to help me see the bright side of things. Thanks, Friend.
I miss somebody. Actually, I miss several somebodies. But specifically somebody. And I need that somebody to walk through my door right this second and make my day brighter. Heck, make my week brighter.
But no. That won't happen.
I MISS YOU, 3!!!!
And this, students, is called postpartyum depression.
Phoob... I think I'll go hunt woodchucks.
Can we go hunt woodchucks together? Please?
please do! woodchuck hunting is so much more fulfilling with two.
postpartyum depression is the perfect word to describe it..
and that's exactly how i felt yesterday (almost today, but mostly just yesterday)
and your post under this one..
i empathize.
i love you.
you already know i think you're brilliant.
mwuah! lots of kisses for you.
happy?? ;)
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