C & E: Welcome to the madness; you're now officially diagnosed. But of course you were both overtaken with a primal urge for bright yellow pants at the same time. What you require now to perfect the ensemble are matching green t-shirts that say "Oh, Claire Claire!" and "Oh, Ellie Ellie!"
this has a ridiculously antique feel, darling...vintage - like you pulled these pics out of a shoe box "sepia - torn" or a sad, forgotten trunk. A pleasure to look at.
rosy cheeks, dimples, yellow pants, snow... it just doesn't get any better.
I like 2 and 3!
wish i were there...
I like your jeans.
Love all the pics! You are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!
whaaat the whaaat? you bought my pants?
what pants? you have these pants?
they're from delia's and they're cords. you have them??....grrr...
Sorry. Not a fan of the pants. But I loved your rosy cheeks.
I like your sleeves.
(except make that pants)
Your dimples. are. adorable.
Can i have them?
Can I? Can I?
Can I have it? Can I have it?
ok... i'll stop now :)
Love you.
Glad you finally got snow!
yay! I'll try hard not to be jealous.
C & E: Welcome to the madness; you're now officially diagnosed. But of course you were both overtaken with a primal urge for bright yellow pants at the same time. What you require now to perfect the ensemble are matching green t-shirts that say "Oh, Claire Claire!" and "Oh, Ellie Ellie!"
the tradition continues...
snow day pictures on eddings hill
and cosmos thingies with a bruce.
Hey...I knitted that cap, E! Little thought I that someday it would be famous. You're welcome!
I heart #3. And all of them. So colorful.
(My word verification word is "flique." I think I'll start spelling it that way. How nice and random.)
why did i leave, again?
btw- you're adorable and precious.
this has a ridiculously antique feel, darling...vintage - like you pulled these pics out of a shoe box "sepia - torn" or a sad, forgotten trunk. A pleasure to look at.
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