Monday, February 15, 2010



Katie said...

rosy cheeks, dimples, yellow pants, snow... it just doesn't get any better.

monolog said...

I like 2 and 3!
wish i were there...

Anonymous said...

I like your jeans.

Chelsea M said...

Love all the pics! You are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

beatrice said...

whaaat the whaaat? you bought my pants?

elliebird said...

what pants? you have these pants?
they're from delia's and they're cords. you have them??....grrr...

Rebekah Sacran said...

Sorry. Not a fan of the pants. But I loved your rosy cheeks.

Chelsea said...

I like your sleeves.
(except make that pants)

Your dimples. are. adorable.
Can i have them?
Can I? Can I?
Can I have it? Can I have it?
ok... i'll stop now :)

Love you.
Glad you finally got snow!

Kate said...

yay! I'll try hard not to be jealous.

Lynn Bruce said...

C & E: Welcome to the madness; you're now officially diagnosed. But of course you were both overtaken with a primal urge for bright yellow pants at the same time. What you require now to perfect the ensemble are matching green t-shirts that say "Oh, Claire Claire!" and "Oh, Ellie Ellie!"

rachel tsunami said...

the tradition continues...

snow day pictures on eddings hill

and cosmos thingies with a bruce.

Pearl said...

Hey...I knitted that cap, E! Little thought I that someday it would be famous. You're welcome!

I heart #3. And all of them. So colorful.

(My word verification word is "flique." I think I'll start spelling it that way. How nice and random.)

Mary-John said...

why did i leave, again?

btw- you're adorable and precious.

silenthistorian said...

this has a ridiculously antique feel, darling...vintage - like you pulled these pics out of a shoe box "sepia - torn" or a sad, forgotten trunk. A pleasure to look at.