"No! Really?" you say.
"I'm completely serious." I return.
(You shake your head and turn away.
"Silly child. She obviously didn't note the sarcasm dripping from my voice.")
But really. I do. Like this paper I'm writing? (You've probably read about it if you keep up with Katie at all.) It has my stomach twisted up in all sorts of crazy sailor knots.
Oh, and our puppy? I'm so concerned that she'll grow up to be a horse of a St. Bernard and bite people all the time and have to be put down.
Oh, and Katie's recital that's on Mother's Day? Yeah. I'm freakin' out about that, too. Will we mess up?! I'm positive we will at least a tad! AAAAA!
And you'd think I wouldn't worry that much about things like how tall our grass is and how much it needs to be mowed, but you know what? It's really bothering me. Like...crazily much.
I need to learn a lesson, though. Choose your battles, Ellie. If you're going to worry (even though you shouldn't), choose something worth worrying over! In a couple of years (heck, in six months) you won't even remember these worries existed!
And you too, you hear me? Be happy! Stop worrying! The world is too beautiful to be worrying about the little things.
Here are some pictures to help you out. They made me smile.
Comment and list three things you're happy about and let them soak into you with all their might.
Happy. Not grateful, not satisfied, not complacent, but things you're happy about.
soft, rainy spring days
living with dan
my hair color
(i heart this post. and you smoochums.)
. . . which obviously should have read "and you, smoochums."
Wait a minute, now-- you should list three things yourself!
ok. the baby picture really just had me rolling. the next picture is indeed very cool, and the other ones are great too :D
1. Student teaching at Immaculate Conception
2. Weddings
3. The beautiful Texas spring
oh. missed that part.
1. Weather
2. Friends
3. Sunflowers
wv - weedsly
1. You, chicken.
2. warm greetings from amazing friends.
3. Dr. Pepper
1. Spring after a cold, dreary winter.
2. Smiles.
3. The relief of finishing a thesis.
Bright Green Sweaters
The girls
Getting the plumbing fixed. :))))
Bare feet.
My roommates.
Cold mangos.
That I can reach out and touch your papa when he walks by, or find him and give him a kiss...pretty much any time in the day or night.
Being with our good friends and really enjoying the friendship.
Realizing how much I love and enjoy our children.
Your braces make me happy.
The summer coming makes me INCREDIBLY happy.
My George Washington postcard makes me happy.
people who sit right next to you on the couch, instead of far off on the other end.
finding the "cool" music station on the radio
flowers on my desk
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